Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pelosi's prayers

A liberal letter-writer to the C-J blows up Pelosi on her failure to lead on Iraq...

So, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is against the war tax so ingeniously proposed by Rep. David Obey. What a wonderful way to have Iraq war supporters lay their wallets on the line in an effort to literally put their money where their mouths are.

But alas, Pelosi is instead opting to "pray for Mr. Bush"...

It's also doubtful if Pelosi was elected by her California constituents to pray for our President rather than do something about his out-of-control actions. Perhaps next year's election will clarify this for Pelosi.

CHARLES M. CASPER; Louisville 40207

Boom! You wonder how much anger and disgust will be directed at Democrats for failing to take a firm stand on the War.


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