Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama supporter unhappy with stimulus: that ain't change!

From syndicated columnist Michelle Singletary in the C-J...

Like many Americans, I celebrated the election of Obama, who truly makes people feel as if change will come....

If he's not careful and not advised well, he'll push Congress to do exactly what previous presidents have done to try to jump-start an ailing economy. If we are truly to change the things that led to this recession, we need to take the time to do things right. We need a long-term rescue plan....

Obama is making a mistake by proposing to spend billions of dollars the U.S. Treasury doesn't have to give a pitiful tax cut to people who need far more to get by....putting our country into more debt to give people $500 is akin to handing the badly wounded a bandage....

I would be more hopeful if instead Obama put forth a long-term plan that helps people help themselves....

The individual tax cut to boost spending is more of the same. And that's not change.


At January 26, 2009 at 1:51 PM , Blogger Mike Kole said...

Couldn't agree more. I wonder at what point Obama supporters will begin to grumble and to take him to task. For all this 'change' we had heard so much about, darned if this isn't exactly Bush's economics in action.


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