Friday, February 13, 2009

God as Author vs. Watchmaker

From Gene Veith in World...

When we think of God as the Creator, we usually have in mind something like a carpenter building a house or, famously, a watchmaker crafting an intricate timepiece. What if we were to imagine the Creator and His creation in terms of an author writing a book? There is warrant for this....

From there, Veith notes that creation, our state pre-birth and our judgment after death are all described in word/book terms. Then, he turns to the connection between word and science...

The old theologians and scientists spoke of the Book of God and the Book of Nature. God has written both the Bible and the created order, and human beings are obliged to read them both. That nature is a book may be more than a metaphor....

Veith refers to the language of DNA and quantum physics which has been described as "the language of nature". He then returns to the use of metaphor to describe God...

While a watchmaker is detached from the mechanism he crafts, an author is both outside his creation and his characters and intimately involved with them.

Today, many people have trouble accepting God's omniscience. How can God know what I am thinking? Well, read a novel with an omniscient narrator....

We may not know what will happen next. But if we know our author—who entered into our storyline as the incarnate and atoning Christ—we can be confident that He is bringing us to a happy ending.


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