Friday, February 6, 2009

not a great movie, but strong on family and Christianity

The gist of Rebecca Cusey's review of the movie New in Town in World...

The film offers few surprises....There is one element, however, not often seen in Hollywood. The salt-of-the-earth Minnesotans, and their faith, are treated with respect and honor. They speak with hard vowels, tend to scrapbook, and interject Jesus into everyday conversation...The sincerity, community, faith, and warmth of the small town are things [the star, Lucy] never found in the big city.

In addition, Ted, a widower, shares a sweet and charming relationship with his 13-year-old daughter, a mix of pride, love, and respect that can also be rare on the silver screen. The film was originally rated PG-13 for language, but Lionsgate removed offensive words in response to criticism that rough language would turn off the family-oriented audience most likely to resonate with the movie's themes. It is now rated PG and is largely innocent....


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