Monday, March 2, 2009

superheroes, expectations, fraud &/or ignorance, and idolatry

Mark Steyn with a humorous and insightful piece at Jewish World Review...

The superheroes I always found hard to keep track of were the ones who kept relaunching themselves. I mean, Batman's been Batman for 70 years and Spider-Man's been Spider-Man for the best part of 50....

Anyway, that's how I feel about the endlessly morphing supergovernment hero battling the planet-swallowing economic crisis. Back in September, we were told to put our faith in Bailoutman. Then in January, Bailoutman went to his tailor, had the long underwear redesigned and relaunched himself as Mister Stimulus. A few weeks later the Obama crowd noticed that "stimulus," like "bailout," had become a cheap punch line and decided the approved term was "recovery." So Captain Recovery swung into action...

What superpowers does he have? All of them! He can save the economy, he can reform health care, he can prevent foreclosures, he can federalize day care, he can cap the salary of his archenemies the sinister Fat Cats who "pad their paychecks and buy fancy drapes." No longer will the citizenry cower in fear of fancy drapes...Governmentuan can transform the American energy sector...And our hero can do this all without raising taxes on any family earning over $250,000!'s the Incredible Bulk flailing through the air, fighting for truth, justice and the American way. Well, actually, it's more like the European way. But Americans will get used to it after a while.

Of course, when Barack Obama is accused of creating his Six-Trillion-Dollar Man "because I believe in bigger government" he denies it: "I don't," he says flatly. This is like Clark Kent telling Lois Lane he's not Superman: They just look a bit similar when he removes his glasses. Likewise any connection between Obama and a Big Government behemoth swallowing everything in sight is entirely coincidental....

Is the new all-powerful Statezilla vulnerable to anything? Unfortunately, yes. He loses all his superpowers when he comes into contact with something called Reality. But happily Reality is nowhere in sight. There are believed to be some small surviving shards somewhere on the planet — maybe on an uninhabited atoll somewhere in the Pacific — but that's just a rumor, and Barack Obama isn't planning on running into Reality any time soon.


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