Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reveal II: what to do next...

As a follow-up to Reveal, Willow Creek put out Reveal: Follow Me with some specific findings and suggestions on what to do next, given the discipling deficiencies within the Church/church.

A few interesting results:

The biggest gaps between what the survey indicated in terms of importance vs. satisfaction (p. 38):

-28% gaps: accountability relationships; help in time of emotional need

-25% gap: understand the Bible in depth

-19-22% gaps: spiritual mentors; develop a personal relationship with Christ; feel like I belong; challenge me to grow and take next steps

Page 32, 42's differences in what people rank as most important in moving from spiritual infancy (being fed) to "spiritual adolescence" (feeding yourself-- properly defined) to "spiritual adulthood" (feeding others):

-"salvation by grace" moves down the list-- presumably, not that it becomes absolutely less important, but because the person has "moved on" and it has become relatively less important

-"authority of the Bible" moves up and then down-- presumably signaling its vital importance in the middle phase, but again "moving on" (given some mastery of Scripture) and realizing that ministry requires the Spirit, wisdom and godly counsel, as well as knowledge of Scripture

-"Christ is first" and "identity in Christ" move up the list

-giving away my life and stewardship do not appear in the top five until the last stage

-in terms of disciplines/practices (p. 42), solitude appears in the top 5 during phase 2 and jumps to #2 in phase 3; prayer to seek guidance moves up and then down


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