Tuesday, June 23, 2009

pray for Neda's family and Iran

Neda Agha-Soltan, Shot Through the Heart by Basij Militia During Election Protests in Tehran, Iran

Most of you have probably seen the following video, but my first viewing of it was a few minutes ago (hat tip: Pajamadeen).


Hopefully, her death and those of other martyrs to the Beast/State, will not be in vain.


At June 23, 2009 at 4:56 PM , Blogger The New Albanian said...

But aren't the Mullahs praying, too?

Wait, sorry; that's the wrong religion, isn't it?

At June 23, 2009 at 10:14 PM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

I don't know about the wrong religion or the various mullahs. But if they're not praying for Neda's family, then it's certainly the wrong god.

At June 23, 2009 at 10:20 PM , Blogger Janet P said...

Hello Mr. New Albanian,

Maybe you can tell us exactly what the Mullahs would be praying for?

Is it an end to government establishment of religion as well as guaranteed freedom (as proposed to death) for those who would choose their own faith?

C'mon, Be Honest.

Maybe it's just the Middle Eastern Mullahs who mandate death for all those desire this basic right - probably not in America.

Wait, sorry; Neda was murdered in Iran.

I do not know whether or not Neda was a Christian, but just as she died for the cause of liberty and justice, so Christians in many countries around the world who choose not to follow government mandated religion risk losing their homes and jobs, imprisonment, torture and their very lives.

I will be praying for them and their families.

Thanks for your post, Eric.

At June 24, 2009 at 4:48 AM , Blogger Daniel Short said...

Fancy this, an athiest prodding the devout. Roger, we all know and understand that many have died in the name of religion. Be it Christianity or Islam, history shows the wrongs that have been committed. The truth is, though, that Islam continues to be a religion of hate and violence. Christianity, apart from crazy abortion doctor killers, is peaceful and loving.

If your comment would have been directed to the Mullahs about Christians, they would have called for our stoning.

You don't believe...and we get that. We will continue to pray for this brave lady and for you.

At June 24, 2009 at 9:37 AM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

Roger, are you really an atheist? I fear that Mr. Short is likely slandering you. I'd be quite surprised to learn that a man of your intelligence and tolerance held that exceedingly faithful position.


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