Friday, July 31, 2009

"cash for clunkers" seen with wheels on cinder-blocks on the interstate

Another federal clunker policy goes clunk into the night.
Thanks to Congress and the President for damaging the economy further...

Equity? Nope.

Efficiency? Do you want to be a stand-up comedian?!

Thought it would stimulate the economy? If you haven't had E100.

Trying to stimulate special interest groups? Definitely.

Here's a representative article from the AP in the C-J...

The White House said Thursday night that it is reviewing the government's popular “cash for clunkers” program amid concerns the $1 billion budget for rebates for new auto purchases may have been exhausted in only a week.

What's the big deal? It's only a billion...
Hey, at least they stopped it (for now) after a billion!


At July 31, 2009 at 11:03 AM , Blogger Chris said...

This made me laugh out loud when I saw it online last night.

What’s really surprising – almost inspirational – is that they stopped it because they thought it might ‘run out of money’. Who are they kidding? Run out of money? Whatever.

Somehow it became politically unpalatable. Conveniently stopped before the Congress goes back to their constituents during their break.


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