Friday, August 28, 2009

Blue Dogs and Lap Dogs

A hilarious and insightful letter to the editor of the Jeff/NA News-Tribune from Floyd Co. GOP chair, Dave Matthews (hat tip: Hoosier Pundit)...

Here, I'm excerpting his first two definitions-- a nice addition to an old theme...

• BLUE DOG: The thought here is that this Democrat is like a dog on a leash, who is straining so hard against the direction of his party that he is literally turning blue at the strain. Of course, one would assume that occasionally, this Democrat would vote against his party, indicating occasional disagreement. He is a Democrat, but as a representative of conservative constituents back home, he just can’t vote against the will of those constituents whom he represents. Indiana does not have any of these.

• LAP DOG: This type of representative climbs up in the lap of his party’s leader, agrees with and votes for everything that leader recommends, whether or not it represents the will and opinions of his constituents. This dog loves the attention of being close to the leader and wouldn’t bite his hand no matter how much the issue hurts those whom he represents. Usually a lap dog thrives on strokes and lots of persuasive petting.


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