Friday, August 21, 2009

an evil Wizard of Oz and the State

From my good friend Andy Horning at WeDeclare...

I think that most of us, if we were to think about it and put it to words, would define “maturity” as a degree and kind of self-control, self-sufficiency, self-denial and self-sacrifice that just doesn’t exist among the immature.

Mature people don’t demand much from others, and rather contribute to their loved ones, their employers, and their world. The most admirably mature people, no matter their status or circumstance, give more than they take.

Truly mature people not only do not need the involuntary-collectivist, nannied authoritarianism that now, unfortunately, exists everywhere on earth, but they also suffer in such a violent climate.

Mature people, I submit, do not exist in sufficient numbers to keep this nation alive. We have devolved into a nation of prattling, squabbling, violent and ignorant children, and we are thereby almost surely doomed. We’re blubbering, misbehaving, thoughtless, selfish children, practically begging for a good spanking, and we’re going to get it.

Have a nice day.

Oh, I dunno. I suppose there is hope. Immature people can grow up quickly after a good, hard, painful lesson....

It’s long been known that while the most stupid, inept criminals act alone, get caught and pay for their crimes...The somewhat better criminals form alliances and layers to both increase their takings, and shield themselves from getting caught. Still more astute criminals organize into larger quasi government arrangements like the Mafia...[But] The worst crimes ever, like oppression, slavery, genocide and war, could only be perp’d by the organized crime we call politics.

But let me be clear about something crucial. By “politician,” I do not mean the people who win elections...You probably don’t know [anyone] who’s really running the show here. In all my years of examining politics from various and increasingly depressing angles, I believe I have met only one of the men who dwells (I did not say “lives” because the man is too evil to call living) behind the curtain. And I’m sure he’s only a minor minion in our ever-ancient New World Order....

Andy closes with secession as a potential remedy for what ails us:

I’ve tried to think of various schemes around this, and I’m not done trying. My hope is fading, but it’s still there insomuch as I cannot let it die as long as I’m sending my children into my generation’s failures. So, here’s my latest proposal:

I propose somebody (not me!) run for President of Texas....The Texas Constitution provides all the grounds necessary....[but let's] just use what’s proven to work better than anything else ever tried – the contract made by adults, for adults…the US Constitution.


At August 21, 2009 at 8:40 PM , Blogger Martina said...

The article sort of scares me. In my opinion too many parents are not raising their children to be "mature" and thus the thought of what my children's future is going to look like because of that is disconcerting. :(

At August 24, 2009 at 10:13 AM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

Good point! Maturity is primarily social/cultural and only secondarily political. The manifestations of social immaturity-- in politics and elsewhere-- are indeed troubling!


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