Saturday, November 21, 2009

markets and morality in China OR China as a future "city on a hill"?

From Les Sillars in World...

Zhao Xiao, one of China's top economists, started reading the Bible in 2002 while traveling in the United States and researching a paper on American business culture....

Zhao, who lives in Beijing with his wife and two daughters, professed Christ in 2004 but remains a member of China's Communist Party...still a professor of economics at Beijing Polytechnic University and a commentator on government-run China Central Television.

...Zhao can be such an outspoken Christian in a communist country in part because he has worked at the highest levels of government and shown that he is no threat to the authorities: A dissident with the same views would not have so much freedom...Because Zhao is not challenging the Party, officials allow him to show that Christian ideas will benefit Chinese society.

The paper Zhao wrote in 2002, "Market Economies With Churches and Market Economies Without Churches," boosted his reputation....

Zhao argues that Chinese people already have strong traditions that value hard work, education, and a willingness to learn from outside sources; the need now is for a culture that honors covenants....

[He believes that] It is the blessings of the 'transformation with the Cross' that will bring China sustainable society and economic development." If this happens, he believes China could enter another Golden Age of world prominence with its success based on Christianity instead of Confucianism or Taoism. He likens this possibility to a Chinese "Great Awakening," with China itself the new "city on a hill."


At November 21, 2009 at 10:43 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

Very Interesting!!

I sure do hope Zhao is able to be a "Constantine" of sorts for China. Christians there have been enduring oppression and some, horrible persecution, at the hands of the Communist party for decades.


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