Monday, November 2, 2009

pet care for (some) pre-millennialists

I've studied Revelation quite a bit, and it is difficult to pin down. But the weakest of the primary eschatological views, in my mind, are the pre-trib and mid-trib forms of pre-millenialism.

Leaving that aside, here's an interesting/funny little blurb from Joseph Bottum in First Things...

For a $110 fee, Eternal Earth-Bound Pets will send a “confirmed atheist” to your home to take possession of your pets, should your entire family be caught up in the Rapture, leaving your “left behind” pooch without so much as a chew toy to see him through the Tribulation....

The people at Eternal Earth-Bound Pets insist their service is not a joke, but it is hard not to discern their parody with catchphrases like “Committed to step in when you step up to Jesus.” measure of serious thought has gone into Eternal Earth-Bound Pets’ terms and conditions: “If subscriber loses his/her faith and/or the Rapture occurs and subscriber is not Raptured...EE-BP disclaims any liability; no refund will be tendered.”


At November 3, 2009 at 2:24 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

The title should say "petcare for Pre-Tribulation Rapturists"

I think Christ's millenial reign is yet to come, but do not believe there is solid scriptural basis for the Pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church.

If we live to see the Trib and I and my pets make it to the end of the Trib, I (we) will be here for Jesus' second coming and not have to worry about "Rover".

So pet care may be required for a Pre-Trib view, but probably not a "post-trib" Pre-millennial view.

At November 3, 2009 at 2:34 PM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

updated for accuracy...thanks!

At November 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

Love your blog, eric :-)


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