Friday, January 1, 2010

Stephen Meyer-- World's "Daniel of the Year"

From Marvin Olasky, in describing Stephen Meyer-- World's "Daniel of the Year" in 2009...

Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (Harper One, 2009) shows that the cell is incredibly complex and the code that directs its functions wonderfully designed. His argument undercuts macroevolution, the theory that one kind of animal over time evolves into a very different kind....

Meyer has ventured forth to debate at least nine prominent Darwinians. [Olasky notes in a in-set box that Richard Dawkins and Fancis Collins refuse to debate Meyer]...he has written numerous newspaper and magazine columns in defense of Intelligent Design (ID), as well as a [peer-reviewed] academic article that became notorious five years ago...

His career shows the four-stage pattern that is common among intellectual Daniels: Questioning, discernment, courage, and perseverance....

When Meyer completed his dissertation, "Of Clues and Causes: A Methodological Interpretation of Origin of Life Studies," the University of Cambridge in 1991 awarded him its prestigious Ph.D.

..."an electric conversation" with famed free market economics writer George Gilder, a Discovery Institute leader. Gilder understands that the creative ingenuity of the human mind, and not material stuff by itself, leads to wealth creation. Similarly, biological functions arise from information in DNA, which points to a designing mind....

Signature in the Cell ends with a long list of testable predictions concerning the direction of science over the next several decades....

As ultrasound machines have undercut abortion, so information revolutions have led more scientists to embrace ID....


At January 6, 2010 at 10:48 AM , Blogger PianoMom said...

"His career shows the four-stage pattern that is common among intellectual Daniels: Questioning, discernment, courage, and perseverance...."

Sounds like the Trivium of the CLassical Education model which teaches phases of learning and applies to any discipline

Stage 1 - "Grammar"
Learning of facts, Memorization

Stage 2 - "Logic"
Critical and Abstract Thinking, "Why?"

Stage 3 - "Rhetoric" Apply rules of logic to foundational information from Stage 1,
Express conclusions with confidence and eloquence.

At January 8, 2010 at 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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