Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the warning lights

A fine sermon from Kyle on Sunday-- on a pressing topic: how do we respond to the "warning lights" in our life? The key text was Eli's failures as a parent/priest in I Sam 2-3. Brutal and sobering stuff...

A few highlights:

-The enemies of the warning lights: procrastination (later), denial (it's not that big of a deal), and despair (it's too late).

-Kyle messed with the popular phrase-- "you have to hit rock bottom"-- by saying "No, you don't"!

-On "too late", in a sense, it is too late; consequences still come. But God is in the redemption business. Kyle quoted Rom 8:28 here. But I'm always reminded me of the end of Samson's story-- and my mom's second husband (who converted near the end of his life, worried about it coming too late, and God doing some miraculous things through him-- phyiscally and otherwise-- in his last few weeks).

-Toward the end, he had some very interesting observations on Tiger's apology speech the preceding Friday.


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