Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Born Free" vs. the Police State

From Radley Balko in Reason...

The music video may have died out as a vehicle for political protest, but in April the eclectic avant-world-beat artist M.I.A. released a haunting, nine-minute protest against the police state tied to her song “Born Free.” The clip sent ripples across the Internet.

The video portrays a squad of police descending on a housing complex, roughing up ordinary-looking people as they’re engaged in everyday activities (eating, sleeping, having sex). As the narrative progresses, the twist reveals the reason for the apparently random madness: The government is rounding up [X].

I don't want to tell you X to avoid spoiling it; if you're curious you can follow the link to the full article. The video depicts the nastier versions of violence by the State-- particularly the "police" State. On the other hand, I can't strongly encourage you to see the video either: it is graphic-- depicting some sex (as noted above) and a lot of disturbing violence. (You can only watch it by signing up for YouTube's age-restricted content.) Anyway, use your discretion.


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