The Darwin Effect: Its
Influence on Nazism, Eugenics, Racism, Communism, Capitalism and Sexism.
By Jerry Bergman. Green Forest, AZ: Master Books, 2014. Paper. 358 pages.
Jerry Bergman’s The Darwin Effect is a wide-ranging survey on the impact of Charles
Darwin and Darwinism on culture, political philosophy, social policy, and
economic policy.
His first three chapters serve as an
introduction to Darwin and Darwinism. Among many interesting details, Bergman
notes the impact of Darwin’s family tree. Of particular interest to economists,
he connects Darwin to John Maynard Keynes: his sister-in-law was Darwin’s
grand-daughter; his mother and Darwin’s daughter worked for an organization
that promoted eugenics. (12)
From there, Bergman turns to Darwinism’s
role in American culture. In Chapter 4, he ties the growth of racism to
Darwinism. “Racism has a surprisingly recent origin” and its growth “parallels
the rise of evolutionary thought.” (25) “Skin color was of little importance in
most parts of the world throughout much of recorded history.” (26) Or as Stephen
Jay Gould wrote: “biological arguments for racism may have been common before
1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of
evolutionary theory.” (135)
In Chapter 8, Bergman extends the argument
by connecting KKK rhetoric and practice to Darwinian philosophy. Darwinists
believed that blacks were closer to apes than whites. (17, 37) As an aside, Bergman
notes the irony that gorillas, chimps and orangutans all have white skin! (35) Darwin
believed that the Negro race and all other “lower races” would eventually be
eliminated by survival of the fittest. (66) He believed in living “primitive
races” (67), including blacks and other immigrants. His cousin, Galton Darwin
believed that some dogs were smarter than “some races” of humans. (56-57)
Some of the confusion stemmed from early
science on brain size and intelligence. Brain size is correlated with intelligence,
but the causation is with diet and environment, rather than size per se. Fortunately,
“research has slowly demolished the view that some races are biologically
inferior to others, demonstrating the brotherhood of all humans as taught in
Genesis.” (75)
Along the same lines, Bergman points to
the biblical concept of “monogenism”—where all humans are related and biological
inferiority is far more difficult to assert. In contrast, “polygenism” is
implied by Darwinism. And so, the evolution of different classes of people
became tenable, since natural selection could, in theory, yield profound
differences. (27-28) Moreover, Christianity makes no claims about racial
inferiority (38)—whether the inclusion of Jews and Gentiles in God’s redemptive
plan; the incident in Numbers 12 where God supports Moses’ interracial marriage;
or the “every race, tribe, people” references in Revelation.
Bergman also notes that females were
routinely judged as inferior to males, using evolutionary rationales. (12) “Female
inferiority was a logical conclusion of the Darwinian worldview, because males
were believed to be exposed to far greater selective pressures…A male must
prove himself both physically and intellectually superior…a woman must be
superior only in sexual attraction.” (219) For awhile, men and women were even classified
as distinct species. (220) As such, evolutionists and progressives often held a
dim view of women in politics, including opposition to women’s suffrage. (229)
Bergman devotes chapters 9-11 to the
impact of evolutionary thinking through circuses, zoos, and “freak shows” in
the late 19th and 20th centuries. Barnum & Bailey’s
circus plays a central role. Ota Benga, a Pygmy, was displayed at the Bronx Zoo
in the early 20th century as an Ape-Man. People with handicaps,
diseases, and genetic deformities (microcephalic, dwarfism, hirsutism) were
sold to the public as “missing links” into the 1970s. In a word, Bergman argues
that millions of people were influenced through pop culture and pseudo-science.
All of these historical details are
fascinating and sobering. But then, Bergman turns to the connections between
Darwinism, political philosophy, and public policy. He notes “how often—and how
easily—Darwinism has been exploited for sinister political ends” (9), ranging
from “the radical Right to the extreme Left”. (10)
Bergman has three chapters on “eugenics”.
Eugenics was promoted as a social good—or even for the good of the individual
as “mercy killings”. (83) Again, science crossed into pseudo-science and ethics
with little difficulty. Breeding had been effective with animals and plants.
Progress and science might dictate the same for humans.
At the national level, Bergman notes how governments
embraced Darwinist ideas, leading to mass murder and genocide. From the British
in Tasmania (chapter 6) to Marxist Communism (chapter 14), Chinese Communism (chapter
15), and general fascism and genocide (chapter 17), he argues that Darwinism was
not the only factor, but still primary. (353)
Bergman devotes chapter 16 to the impact
of Darwinism on the atavistic theories of criminality that dominated the criminal
justice field through much of the 20th Century. He also notes how
Darwinism wrongly influenced the courts (63-64)—ironic given the unscientific faith
in courts by those who enjoyed the judicial black eye given to Intelligent
Design theory in Kitzmiller v. Dover
Unfortunately, at least for an economist,
Bergman’s weakest effort is (chapter 13) on “Social Darwinism” and what he
labels “ruthless capitalism” (a term he uses 16 times). He describes “robber
barons” in general, but focuses most of his attention on the views of Andrew
Carnegie. Bergman notes the immense philanthropy of the “barons”, but dismisses
it since the money did not go to “the direct relief of the unfortunate
classes.” (261) He rightly notes that Christianity exhorts disciples to take
care of the needy, vulnerable, weak (39)—whereas Social Darwinism calls for
survival of the fittest and argues against such efforts. But laying this at the
feet of the “robber barons” is an unwarranted stretch.
Bergman’s history is consistent with
“conventional wisdom”, but not supported by a coherent definition of greed or
capitalism—or an understanding of the role of competition (or not) in economic
markets. Worse, he conflates laissez-faire
economics with the pursuit of government to enhance monopoly power. The irony
in all of this is that businesses were often worried about laissez-faire and “cut-throat business practices”—and thus, sought
government protection for their industries. (Gabriel Kolko’s The Triumph of Conservatism [1977] is
must-reading on this topic.)
You can skip the chapter on economics, but
Bergman’s work is still helpful for understanding the impact of Darwinism on
cultural norms and social policy.