review of Jason Riley's "Please Stop Helping Us"
Jason Riley’s Please
Stop Helping Us is a good introduction to the ways in which government has
harmed the poor in general and African-Americans in particular. He describes
his broad concerns, but also devotes chapters to many of the most relevant
public policies: welfare, crime, minimum wage, K-12 education, and Affirmative
Riley puts a lot of blame on Democrats and the
Left—whether they’re motivated out of good intentions, paternalism and
condescension, or cynical political gain. He drops bombs along the way. “The
civil rights movement of [MLK Jr.] has become an industry to monetize white
guilt.” (172) The Left “remains much more interested in making excuses for
blacks than in reevaluating efforts to help them.” (174) And quoting Fred
Siegel on the 1960s: “They wanted to help blacks in the worst way, and that’s
just what they did.” (172)
But Riley is not happy with the GOP either, arguing
that they’ve missed opportunities—out of apathy or a sense that efforts would
not be politically fruitful (15-16). He also uses LBJ to chide them for too
much emphasis on “lift yourself up by your bootstraps”, since it’s not all that
helpful for the bootless: “Freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the
scars of centuries by saying: ‘Now you are free…You do not take a person who,
for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the
starting line of a race and then say, ‘you are free to compete’…[We are
interested in] not just equality as a right and a theory but equality as a fact
and equality as a result.” (2)
Still, personal responsibility matters. Riley cites
CNN’s Don Lemon and his “five simple suggestions for black self-improvement:
pull up your pants, finish high school, stop using the n-word, take better care
of your communities, and stop having children out of wedlock.” (82)
Riley is most concerned about the absence of fathers
in the Black community. He was fortunate to have a good Dad. But “none of this [was]
especially remarkable behavior, of course, unless the father happens to be
black.” (37) He cites research: “The most critical factor affecting the
prospects that a male youth will encounter the criminal justice system is the
presence of a father in the home.” (83) And he calls men to personal
responsibility, but fingers the welfare state for blame as well, noting that
the black marriage rate was above the white rate from 1890-1940 (54).
Riley discusses the problems with race, crime, and the
police, sharing his own undeserved and unjust encounters with law enforcement.
But he chalks it up mostly to “statistical discrimination”: our need to make
decisions with limited information and thus, our universal reliance on
stereotypes. Given the statistical realities of crime in the Black community
(63-66), this is unfortunate (and unjust) but to be expected to some extent.
Although it’s a popular hypothesis these days, Riley
notes that contemporary “racism” can’t be a primary explanation—if it’s defined
coherently and applied consistently. Racism can’t explain the strong performance
of students in other minority groups or immigrant Blacks (48, 125). And the
term is narrowly or vaguely applied, rather than connected to the wide array of
public policies that have clearly harmed African-Americans.
Readers of Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, John McWhorter,
and Coleman Hughes will get a refresher in Riley’s discussion of Affirmative
Action. (Riley just finished narrating a documentary on Sowell called “Common Sense in a Senseless World”.)
Aside from ethical concerns, it’s impractical in many ways: it’s never enough
(144); it imposes unwieldy burdens on employers in practice (147-148); and it
must lead to mixed perceptions about the reasons for “success” in the benefited
group. He spends considerable energy critiquing its application to higher
education[1]—most notably, mismatches with
student skill levels, as schools compete to hit targets and quotas (156-168).
Riley throws hammers at the K-12 teachers’ unions,
saying their agenda makes “perfect sense if the job security of adults is your
main objective.” (117) “Race to the Top” monies were tied to receiving “buy-in
from teachers’ unions before applying for the grant.” (119) Obama squelched “school
choice” in Louisiana, valuing racial targets over educational quality and
freedom for parents (132). And unfortunately, pet projects such as Head Start
and job training programs offer little help (171).
Finally, Riley is critical of African-American emphasis
on politics. From theory and history (echoing Sowell), we know that political
activity is neither a necessary nor a sufficient for prosperity (17-33).[2] He calls out “black
fealty” toward Obama despite a poor economy (7-9). He describes “voter ID”
concerns as “intellectually dishonest political pandering” (12-14)—even as
Black voter participation was setting records. (It’s a useful dog whistle but
lacks evidence of significant impact—what reduces to just another conspiracy
While his critique here has merit, it’s really just
par for the course in politics, as “rationally ignorant” voters—of all races—are
unlikely to have an effective understanding of politics and public policy. Why
should any of us know much about politics and public policy, given its
complexity and our infinitesimal influence on the process?
[1] He also argues
that HBCU’s have peaked in usefulness—and quotes Thurgood Marshall who
prophesied their appropriate decline with advances in Civil Rights! But he
offers reforms for a slimmed-down version, going forward (134-139).
[2] Riley also puts
these discussions in the historical context of the debate between W.E.B. DuBois
vs. Booker T. Washington.
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