Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bayh robs Mr. and Mrs. Peter to pay Paul & Co.

According to articles in the Jeff/NA Tribune and (Louisville) Courier-Journal Senator Evan Bayh wants to increase the proportion of government funds that would be targeted to small business. Great! In addition to the inequities and inefficiencies of taking money from Joe and Jolena Six-Pack to give to a business owner, Sen. Bayh wants to compound the problems by further regulating/restricting how those monies are given out by bureaucrats.

My favorite line:
Big businesses "won't even feel" the amount of money being reallocated away from them...

But what about the taxpayers, Sen. Bayh?!

Actually, he's right. Since the amount of money per taxpayer is so small, we won't feel it either. That's why we put up with this sort of junk all of the time. The problem is that the dollars add up-- and eventually we're talking about real money coming out of your pockets. At the end of the day, you have to decide whether/when it's ok to take money from some people to give to others.


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