Thursday, September 13, 2007

someone's best satire now

From FakePastors.Com (hat tip: Jordan Ballor)...
a response to my review from "Joel"! ;-)

I don’t know him, but I like him already.

D. Eric Schansberg, an adjunct scholar at the Acton Institute, reviewed my book “Your Best Life Now” after Hank “I need a hug” Hanegraaff called me all sorts of things in his review of the book. (Would someone please tell me what’s wrong with a word of faith. It’s in the Bible, isn’t it? Remember, I was working the cameras before I got this gig. Theology still flummoxes me a bit.) He said he disagrees with HH’s conclusions, although, he called the book sloppy. Not sure what he means by that. When my secretary typed it up, it looked well-formatted to me. I also don’t know what or who this Acton Institute is, but if they have scholars who like my book, then I’m okay with them. My daddy always told me I shouldn’t trust preachers in leisure suits and professors, but maybe this group has the Spirit.


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