Wednesday, November 14, 2007

on Bush's speech in New Albany

From David Mann's front-page article in today's (Jeff/N-A) News-Tribune, some quotes from President Bush...

“My philosophy is that the American people know how to spend their money better than the government can,” he said. “They believe in a federal solution to every problem,” he said, referring to Congressional leaders. “And somehow, that solution always seems to include raising your taxes.”

Actually, thinking about those quotes for a minute, I don't think that could have been President Bush. Hey, who are you-- and what have you done with my President?!

Seriously, Bush's philosophy has been quite similar to that which he criticizes here. Given the vast increases in government spending and debt under his leadership, he apparently believes that the government knows how to spend money better than us and our children.

And I can think of a few vital areas where Bush has expanded the role of the federal government-- at the expense of individual liberty and state/local control. But what has he done to increase "federalism"-- transferring government power and discretion from the federal government to state and local control?

In a word: please...

I'm glad that Bush has found a fiscally-conservative bone or two for the last two years of his administration. But this all-too-convenient orthopedic discovery coincides none-too-coincidentally with the Democratic take-over of the Congress.


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