Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Huckabee as a big-spender who's confused about federalism

CATO's Michael Tanner (hat tip: Chuck Muth)...

"On its annual governor's report card, Cato gave (GOP presidential candidate Mike) Huckabee an 'F' for fiscal policy during his final term, and an overall two-term grade of 'D.' Only four governors had worse scores, and 15 Democratic governors got higher grades, including well-known liberals like Ted Kulongoski of Oregon, Rod Blagojevich of Illinois, and Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania.

"Huckabee has called for increased federal spending on a variety of programs from infrastructure to health care. He wants more energy subsidies, including, naturally, more subsidies for ethanol. In fact, he supports increased agricultural subsidies generally. He is the only Republican candidate who opposes President Bush's veto of the Democrats' proposed expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, and he is skeptical of most conservative proposals for entitlement reform."

And then Tom Tancredo v. Huckabee on the latter's odd views on federalism-- in what Muth titles "The Federal Department of Art and Music":

"Let me give you a couple of examples of what has to happen in all the states. If we really are serious (about improving education), then first of all we make sure that we build a curriculum around (the students') interests rather than just push them into something they don't care about. . . . I'm a passionate, ardent supporter of having music and art in every school for every student at every grade level."

- Mike Huckabee in Wednesday's GOP presidential debate in answer to a question about the federal government's role in education

"Governor, with all due respect, you can't say on one hand you're against having government intervention and on the other hand tell us that you want music and art and everything else in the school. That's not the job of a president. It is the job of a governor. That's what you should run for if you want to dictate curriculum."

- Tom Tancredo to Mike Huckabee in response to Huckabee's answer to the question of the federal role in education in Wednesday's GOP presidential debate


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