Saturday, February 16, 2008

"A Delightful Democratic Delegate Dilemma" (cont'd)

More potential ironies from the Democrats' selection process-- from Arnold Ahlert (hat tip: Linda Christiansen)...

I’m not big fan of schandenfruede, but the Democratic Party is about to offer the nation some genuine entertainment at their own expense–and they have no one but themselves to blame for it. The issue revolves around two components: super-delegates and the states of Michigan and Florida.

First, the super-delegates. Super-delegates are an assortment of Democratic Party veterans who are bound by nothing other than their consciences when it comes to choosing between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. What makes this interesting is that, absent their ostensible preferences for Mrs. Clinton (an approximate 2-1 edge in her favor), Mr. Obama’s overall delegate total puts him in the lead for the Democratic presidential nomination. In other words, even if Sen. Obama wins a greater number of delegates as a result of the popular vote, the super-delegates can still tip the scales in favor of Mrs. Clinton.

Entertainment value: three-and-a-half stars out of four. The “voices for change majority” comprised of the “little people” Democrats claim to revere thwarted by the smoke-filled, back room deal-makers of the “old guard.” Nationally broadcast hypocrisy. Delicious.

Michigan and Florida. Both states defied the Democratic National Committee when they scheduled their presidential primaries earlier than the DNC wanted. The DNC returned the favor by stripping both states of their delegates. Despite this, Hillary ran in Michigan–unopposed–and “won” the state. She also broke a pledge by all the Democratic candidates not to campaign in Florida where she appeared the day after that primary to claim “victory” there as well. The DNC is now considering recognizing both contests after the fact.

Entertainment rating: four stars. Democrats have never appeared to have too much of a problem with either of the Clintons’ penchant for lying (perjury wasn’t important because it was “only about sex,” for example). How about cheating? Obama wasn’t even on the ballot in Michigan, he never set foot in Florida to campaign and the DNC awards the previously disqualified delegates to Clinton, putting her over the top? This is a “twofer:” it enrages Obama supporters while making a mockery of the DNC’s credibility.

John McCain never had it so good. Imagine the possibility of every disgruntled, never-vote-for-McCain conservative replaced by a “we’ll show the cheating Clintons what’s what” Obama voter. Imagine Hillary Clinton once again emerging as a “Great Uniter,” not just of determined Republicans, but angry Democrats as well–all united against her.

Sometimes a little schadenfruede goes a long way.


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