Saturday, June 14, 2008

faith stemming from blessings of commission

In my Bible reading this morning, I noticed that Mark 6:52 explicitly connects their faith failure in handling the "rough seas" to their failure to "understand" the feeding miracle earlier that day.

So too with us. God often grants us blessings of commission-- events that positively happen for/to us. (This is in contrast to blessings of omission where we benefit from something not happening-- and are thus, less likely to notice it.) When we have received such obvious blessings, this should inform our faith in a benevolent God (Hebrews 11:6).

While we typically receive many such blessings each day, the most obvious for believers is the gracious gift of God's grace-- as manifested most clearly in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we embrace that grace, we will have more faith in God and we will be more gracious toward others. May we better understand God's actions that we may better understand His character that it may change our hearts.


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