Friday, June 27, 2008

will it be enough? (the sequel)

Recently, I asked whether being "anti-Obama" will be enough for McCain to win the Presidency in November.

Putting the shoe on the other foot, will victim politics and platitudes about hope be enough for Obama to win in November?


At June 28, 2008 at 1:13 PM , Blogger Harry said...

I am now a Ron Paul Republican. I have been a registered Republican for my entire voting career. I have foolishly voted straight ticket in the past not understanding the "lesser of two evils" game of the two major parties.
I vote for a candidate who will not abuse the Federal Reserve System and who seeks to return to sound money and the gold standard.
I vote for a candidate who will limit the size and scope the Federal Government down to it's correct constitutional size.
We are a Republic, not a world empire.
Both Obama and McCain do not meet the above criteria and don't stand a chance for my vote. Both of these "gentlemen" have abused the Federal Reserve System and have spent us into a near hyper-inflationary disaster. Why should I vote for either of them?
I am considering Chuck Baldwin in clear conscience.
I am considering Andy Horning in clear conscience.
And I am considering you in clear conscience.

At June 28, 2008 at 8:32 PM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

Thanks, Harry, for your consideration!

It turns out that I am the "Ron Paul candidate" in the 9th District.

I look forward to your support. Please drop us a line if you want yard signs, car magnets, literature to pass out, etc.-- or if you know individuals or groups to whom I should speak!


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