Saturday, January 17, 2009

Miller on abortion

Early in Finding Darwin's God, Kenneth Miller (incidentally?) alludes to the changing science on life in the womb-- and how it impacts our views on abortion:

It once was possible to point to a humble seed and invoke the attention of the Almighty as the only possible explanation for how such an ordinary object could grow into a mighty tree. Today we look into the seed itself, examine the program of gene expression that begins at germination, and seek our answers in the rich complexity of molecular biology and biochemistry. (p. 2-3)

When paraphrased for life in the womb, one might write:

It once was possible to point to a blob of tissue in the womb and avoid the attention we now draw to what we now know to be biological life in the womb. Today we look into the seed itself, examine the program of gene expression that begins at conception, and seek our answers in the rich complexity of molecular biology and biochemistry.


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