Saturday, January 24, 2009

World on many facets of abortion (including IN's recent problems)

A long section with about a dozen articles, in the most recent issue of World commemorates the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, including these four essays:

Marvin Olasky's "Lessons from the past": a very brief summary of his excellent work, Abortion Rites-- a must-read book for anyone interested in abortion and its American history

Lynn Vincent's "Black genocide": details on the highly disproportionate number of babies aborted in the African-American community and some of the responses to this self-genocide

Marvin Olasky's "Pro-life pivot": a brief history of the pro-life movement after
Roe v. Wade with a focus on the debate about means and ends-- with an all-or-nothing negative strategy dominating early-on before largely giving way to seemingly more effective set of incremental and positive efforts

Lynn Vincent's "On the ropes": national coverage of our little statewide embarrassment with Planned Parenthood in Bloomington


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