Saturday, August 29, 2009

three interesting headlines from CNN on Kennedy

From the top of CNN's website this morning (even though the underlying articles have different titles):

1.) Kennedy called man of quiet faith (the underlying article does not use this title-- or anything close to it-- an interesting choice by CNN...)

"Quiet"? "Faith"-- in what? What does that combo mean?

If faith is quiet and it falls in a forest, does it exist? In any case, Kennedy's faith in government was certainly not quiet. So, was his Statism a "loud" idolatry that competed with a "quiet" Christian faith-- or was Statism his dominant faith?

In any case, if one says "Lord, Lord, did we not pass legislation in your name, and in your name drive out the private sector and get the government to do all sorts of things?", how many will be told "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"?

2.) Sen. Ted Kennedy to be laid to rest

I think they mean Kennedy's body will be laid to rest. One never knows about such things, but taking this somewhat literally: no one has the power to lay another to rest AND the evidence that Kennedy is (or will be) at rest seems slim.

3.) What if Chappaquiddick happened today?

No significant career or meaningful public life. Think about it...


At August 29, 2009 at 10:57 AM , Blogger Darryl Schmitz said...

I find Edward Kennedy's lifelong support of allowing the killing of unborn children contradictory to his supposed Catholic faith. The fact that his family continued to cling to their religious affilation even though their public actions told a different story demonstrates that the legacy of the Kennedy family will forever be one that belonged first and foremost to the religion of Power, Prestige and Central Government that ignores our founders' Constitution and its limits on federal power. The Catholic Church should be ashamed of obediently allowing today's spectacle, the funeral Mass. Business as usual there, too.

At August 29, 2009 at 1:07 PM , Blogger Carole Clarke said...

What happened on the bridge at Chappaquiddick was an accident but what happened afterward was cowardice and political self-serving. The Kennedys always thought they were too important to be stopped by anything so the brothers were always protected from their own foibles. He got out of the car, she spent the next two hours with her head up into an airpocket then she drowned. After fumbled attempts at rescue where no one called the police or fire depts he hid in his motel with advisers trying to find an exit strategy that worked. The Kennedys are consummate actors, managing the right words and the quiver in the voice at just the right moment. And the voters of Massachusetts decided to accept the play and kept returning him to power. He got to lead a full, rich and powerful life. His cowardice killed her in her 20's. Where is the justice for Mary Jo Kopechne?

At August 29, 2009 at 3:14 PM , Blogger sandyv said...

If this happened today what would Beck, Ohanity, rush all be yelling? LIES and more LIES. The truth would have zero in this world today. None of know what happened and I was active in politics even back then. As a Catholic, I am pro choice so knock off that idea. Mr Kennedy represented people of all walks of life, not just catholic as did his brother Jack and Bobby. They worked for the people, not the church. Remember, seperation of church and state. They did obey the law unlike others in government. However, the truth about Mary Jo would have less chance of the truth coming out today than back then. The press made sure that if Teddy wanted to do anything, they would bring up that little bomb to remind the people and how to stop him. Old news and unsolved. He tried to do the best for the "people" and became a very effective statesman, perhaps out of guilt. Jewish people hold nothing over us when it comes to guilt. The catholic church is built on major guilt just to control all of us.

At August 29, 2009 at 5:32 PM , Blogger farmboy said...

Why continue hypocrisy of saying"I am a catholic" when you do not adhere to the teachings of your belief system. Just call it what it is...A former Catholic.


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