Thursday, September 3, 2009

just say...something else (to your kids)

From Dr. Charles Fay of Love & Logic (hat tip: Bruce Hardesty):

"No" seems to be the most dreaded word in the English language. Kids hate to hear it almost as much as adults! There's nothing that starts a fight faster than the simple sound of this teeny, tiny two-letter word.

The world is full of "No's." That's why preparing kids for the real world requires that we deny their requests from time to time.

But how do we say "No" without finding ourselves in constant battles? By saying "Yes" to something else!

Instead of: No, I'm not taking you until your chores are done.

Try: Sure! I will take you when your chores are done.

Rather than: No. I am not paying $200 for a pair of sneakers.

Experiment with: I want you to have those. The ones I was planning on buying cost $25. I'll provide that amount.

Instead of: No. You are not watching rated R movies.

Try: Renting a movie is a great idea. Find a G rated one, and we'll pop some popcorn tonight.

Give this little tip a try…and enjoy fewer battles with your kids!


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