Monday, November 2, 2009

various calls to chastity (and those who do not want to do so)

From the late Richard John Neuhaus in First Things...

The viciousness of attacks on Sarah Palin took many forms. Prominent among them was the claim that she is some kind of religious fanatic. Among the evidences produced is that the local church of which she is a member sponsored a conference on how to help people who suffer from unwanted same-sex attractions.

In the view of gay activists and their supporters, this is intolerable. Our therapeutic society offers programs of help for every imaginable problem, discontent, maladjustment, or unhappiness. When it comes to same-sex attractions, however, the problem is in thinking it is a problem. Those who, for whatever reason, do not want to act upon their homosexual impulses are, in this view, indeed in need of help. But the only approved form of help is to encourage them to embrace their temptations and make their peace with accepting their identity as gay....

Neuhaus cites a "lively book of essays by young Catholics, Faith at the Edge" and this quote from David Morrison:

“At bottom, the Church's teaching on homosexuality is a matter of discipleship. I turned forty this year, and all around me in my parish there are men and women about my age who don't self-define as gay or lesbian yet are not closer to being married than I am. And the Church expects them to live chastely as part of making Christ the Lord in their lives. The issue is not what tempts us, then. The issue is how we live. Living chastely is hard, just like forgiving and asking others to forgive us, just like being charitable to folks who make us angry. But following Christ is not impossibly hard."


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