Friday, August 24, 2007

World on GOP contenders in Iowa (especially Ron Paul)

This was a good article in general, but noteworthy for the amount of space devoted to Sam Brownback and especially Ron Paul. Other media have focused on "the front-runners" and the second-tier candidate who seemed to emerge from the Iowa Straw Poll, Mike Huckabee.

Brownback did well in Iowa, but will almost certainly continue to lose ground after placing behind Huckabee (who, I think, is a more palatable candidate anyway). The two candidates are too similar and social conservatives will almost certainly choose one or the other.

Paul is, potentially, a different story-- given his status as the strongest fiscal conservative (by far) and the only Republican candidate who embraces a more limited foreign policy and in particular, wants us to get out of Iraq far more quickly than his peers.

The Texas Straw Poll on August 31/September 1 could be quite interesting. Will Huckabee and Paul step up further? Which of the front-runners will step up, step back, or step off the ranch altogether?


At August 24, 2007 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Steve M. said...

I like Huckabee too. He was very impressive n the debates and speaks well.


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