Saturday, January 12, 2008

Huckabee on Colbert: I'm torn (but not much)

Huckabee on Colbert (hat tip: HoosierPundit)

A small part of me thinks this is not "appropriate" for Presidential candidates. But the (much) larger part of me thinks it is-- and thinks Huckabee did a very nice job with his appearance.



At January 12, 2008 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I don't mind them showing up and doing appearances on shows like that. In fact, given that those are the only shows that ask halfway decent questions - and more importantly followups - I'm glad they do.

I agree that maybe he took the joking a little far. I like that he could joke and laugh, but I think some of it was definitely inappropriate.

This is not a run-of-the-mill election. We have some very serious issues facing us and making light of them as a candidate is probably not a good idea.

At January 13, 2008 at 8:49 AM , Blogger Don Sherfick said...

I've had the same difficulty with this, and have flip-flopped more times than, well....take your pick. But with the advent of 24-7 media coverage, YouTube, you name it, for better or for worse the day when candidates for president could maintain the same kind of more dignified distance from America's living rooms is long past. On balance I suppose the "up close and personal" is much better for a healthy democracy than the opposite, although I do fear that the manipulation of images and sounds, even when not intended, can have an undesirable effect.

I would say, though, that no candidate can have it both ways. Once he or she enters that arena of more relaxed and humorous coziness, they can't get angry and the further probing or use of the material in ways that might not flatter the candidate's image.

At January 15, 2008 at 5:56 PM , Blogger Bryce Raley said...

I like it. He's human and approachable. If conservatives or libertarians nominate a big business wall street type (who doesn't seem approachable/humorous), then the dems will cart him around as another four years of Bush. Too me Romney would fit that bill, and would get slaughtered in the general election.


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