Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nobama's Louisville connection

One part ugly; one part regrettable (since the GOP has so little to brag about in McCain); one part necessary (since Obama is the great unknown in the race)...

From Joseph Gerth in today's

Among the trendy restaurants along Frankfort Avenue, in an area that almost certainly will vote heavily for Democrat Sen. Barack Obama in November, sits the de facto national headquarters for the "Nobama" campaign.

Workers there stuff T-shirts, campaign buttons and bumper stickers -- possibly a million free bumper stickers -- into envelopes that will be sent to Republican activists, disaffected Democrats and conservative independents around the country.

It's all the brainchild of Louisville Republican strategist and businessman Ted Jackson, who is trying to counteract any potential groundswell for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee by distributing much of the merchandise for a price -- but up to 1 million "Nobama" bumper stickers for free.

Jackson announced to his customers Aug. 1 that he would give the stickers to those who request them, in hopes of spurring a grass-roots anti-Obama movement....

In all, he is selling 29 "Nobama" items, including shirts, coffee mugs, buttons and stickers.

One shirt -- playing on Obama's rock-star image and his position favoring dialogue with rogue nations -- is patterned after T-shirts sold at concerts.

It's the Nobama "World Appeasement Tour," and on the back lists appearances in Tehran, Havana, Caracas and other hot spots.

Jackson also has developed "Nobama" merchandise targeted to gun owners, abortion foes and members of other conservative groups....


At August 21, 2008 at 3:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think there is any link between the book of Revelations and Obama?

At August 21, 2008 at 3:39 PM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

No more than others who are relatively statist in their outlook and (proposed) governance.


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