Saturday, February 7, 2009

drinking the Cool-Aid

Bob Webster, at WebCommentary, with a few nice lines (hat tip: Randy Baker)...

I've been having an interesting exchange on a CO2 alarmists' blog about the dangers human emissions of CO2 pose for future climate....I do have to agree with them about one thing. The danger and cost to human society from climate change will be catastrophic and, in this political climate, is unavoidable.

But ironically, while the catastrophe to which I refer is unquestionably human-caused, it really is completely avoidable....

The danger is not from a catastrophe arising from soaring temperatures and human misery that alarmists claim will follow (a highly debatable proposition). The catastrophe that seems unstoppable is the human misery that will unquestionably arise from the massive costs of soaring imprudent government regulation of CO2 emissions in the form of Gore-enriching "cap and trade" schemes that will, in the end, provide no discernable impact on global climate....

Congressional insanity is nothing new, but its costs this time will be catastrophic to the economy and well-being of every citizen of the US. No matter. They've all imbibed the "Cool-Aid" of human-caused "global warming" in Washington (despite the recent global cooling climate trend)....


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