Tuesday, April 14, 2009

too slow, too political, and the only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Some blurbs from Nick Gillespie's interview with some economists in Reason about the efficacy (or not) of Obama's stimulus package...

Outside of the obvious pork, what are the biggest problems you see with the stimulus package?

Megan McArdle: Even if you accept the theory of the stimulus, the package is not well-structured. A good stimulus package should be designed to move money out the door rapidly, then stop. This program is designed to move money out the door slowly and keep going.

Deirdre McCloskey: It's not targeted, not temporary, not timely. Especially the last. Too slow, too slow, alas.

Is there anything in the stimulus package that you think will work? If so, what?

Mark J. Perry: The fiscal stimulus will work only in the sense that it will serve to stimulate the approval ratings of the president and other politicians.

Obama says "doing nothing is not an option." Do you agree?

Robert Higgs: For the economy in general, doing nothing is vastly preferable to doing the stimulus package, but doing nothing is not a political option; indeed, it would be political suicide. Which shows that only by adopting economically destructive policies can politicians survive. Do you see something wrong in this picture?

Michael Munger: Doing nothing is not an option--anymore. Because first President Bush, and now President Obama, have engaged in a completely irresponsible fear campaign.


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