Wednesday, May 13, 2009

racial quotas for Egyptian-Americans

Walter Williams, at, having some fun and making some serious points about the label "African-American"...

What to call black people has to be confusing to white people. Having been around for 73 years, I have been through a number of names. Among the polite ones are: colored, Negro, Afro-American, black, and now African-American. Among those names, African-American is probably the most unintelligent....

Suppose I told you that I had a European-American friend or a South-America-American friend...You'd probably say, "Williams, that's stupid. Europe, South America and North America are continents consisting of many peoples."

...instead of claiming that President Barack Obama is the first African-American president, it should be that he's the first Kenyan-American president. In that sense, Obama is lucky. Unlike most American blacks, he knows his national heritage; the closest to a national heritage the rest of us can identify is some country along Africa's gold coast.

Another problem with the African-American label is not all people of African ancestry are dark. Whites are roughly 10 percent of Africa's population and include not only European settlers but Arabs and Berbers as well. So is an Afrikaner who becomes a U.S. citizen a part of United States' African-American population? Should census takers and affirmative action/diversity bean counters count Arabs, Berbers and Afrikaners who are U.S. citizens as African-Americans and should they be eligible for racial quotas in college admittance and employment...

Race talk often portrays black Americans as downtrodden and deserving of white people's help and sympathy. That vision is an insult of major proportions. As a group, black Americans have made some of the greatest gains, over the highest hurdles, in the shortest span of time than any other racial group in mankind's history. This unprecedented progress can be seen through several measures. If one were to total black earnings, and consider black Americans a separate nation, he would find that in 2005 black Americans earned $644 billion, making them the world's 16th richest nation...Black Americans are among the world's most famous personalities and a few are among the richest. Most blacks are not poor but middle class....


At May 13, 2009 at 2:39 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

Personally, I do not know what to call black Americans. I guess "black" is still ok? Those are the terms (black and white)we schoolkids used growing up.
It seems as though "African-American" was invented to avoid characterizing black individuals by the color of their skin, and instead refer them by their ethnic heritage.
I am "white" - actually "peach- colored" - as my children say. I guess I am Caucasian; or am I German-American? - my great-grandparents were German immigrants.
If any black friends would like to chime in, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

At May 13, 2009 at 2:43 PM , Blogger Eric Schansberg said...

Peach, huh?

My wife and I describe me as pink (pink-tinted white) and her as yellow (yellow-tinted white). For kids, we have dark brown, light brown, pink-white, and serious white. We've got diversity well-covered...

At May 13, 2009 at 3:14 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

Makes me think of times back in the 80's when we used to karaoke sing that old Michael Jackson/Paul McCartney tune, "Ebony and Ivory", on the playground among our ethincally diverse circle of friends.
I've been humming it to myself all afternoon :-) - any of you 40ish people remember that one?

At May 13, 2009 at 3:31 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

If you are truly pinkish-whitish colored - maybe a tan would help!? :-)


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