Monday, May 18, 2009

when (liberal) bloggers censor...

It looks like I'm in the middle of the second time...

First, a few months ago, a pro-union blogger in Indiana said some uncharitable things about non-union workers-- and I called him on it. His comments were not so direct that he caught it. But when I noted it, it was irrefutable and embarrassing. After that, those comments disappeared-- and all ability to comment on the blog ended. No apology; no public or private recognition of the error; etc.

Over the last week, I've been trading comments about educational vouchers and the G.I. Bill with Kentucky School News Commentary (the first post on April 11). We had gone back and forth five times, but my sixth response on Thursday (and a follow-up) have neither seen the light of day nor elicited a private email response. He's blogged a number of times since then, so he's not too busy. Of course, there are other possible explanations. But by far, the most compelling seems to be that the heat got too high and he's going to act like it never happened; take the last word as if it is satisfying; and so on.

I don't know if "censorship" is the right word for this sort of thing, but it's at least a cousin. In any case, it's regrettable...


At May 18, 2009 at 11:10 PM , Blogger Lissie-Beth said...

So Wrong! - also quite cowardly on their part.

You were obviously hitting too close to home.


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