Wednesday, August 12, 2009

lying in Islam vs. Christianity

From Mindy Belz in World, an interesting and powerful observation about Islam...

When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes hash out of reality, he isn't only perfecting one of the wiles of a dictator. He's practicing his religion.

WikiIslam defines taqiyya as "sanctified hypocrisy." That's generous. At least a half dozen verses of the Quran instruct Muslims to practice deception, or to lie, when it serves the purposes of Islam. Taqiyya means "guard," as in guarding oneself against unbelievers, which can include lying to them or deceiving them. "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them," according to authority Abu Al-Darda. In one passage (Sura 16: 106) Allah allows Muslims to go so far as to deny their faith when under "compulsion," as long their heart remains "firm in Faith."

The practice is so deeply embedded in Arab culture and the Muslim world that one has to wonder how Western leaders can negotiate with leaders like Ahmadinejad, steeped in taqiyya....

I'm not sure how far to take this-- for example, does it apply to cultural Muslims?-- but it's quite sobering.

I thought also about how Christianity has biblical examples where lying is condoned or even praised. Lying as a character trait-- as a lifestyle-- is frequently condemned. But lying as an exception is ok. That said, it's interesting that there is no biblical injunction which commands one to lie.


At August 12, 2009 at 11:50 PM , Blogger PianoMom said...

There can be no doubt that God "hates/despises" "lying lips" - Proverbs. These types of Scriptures are found throughout the Bible.
He is the God of Truth.

I can think of only two biblical examples where lying was deemed commendable - the Hebrew midwives lie to Pharoah to save the baby boys, and Rahab lies to protect the Hebrew spies.
These are extreme circumstances in which these women endanger their own lives to save the lives of other people, according to God's purposes.

Corrie ten Boom's story "The Hiding Place" in which she hids Jewish people from the Nazi's comes to mind as a modern day example in which God might be ok with lying.

Islam is "fundamentally" different from Christianity so it makes some sense that lying is accepted/condoned under different circumstances.


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