Tuesday, July 8, 2008

three nuggets from Chuck Muth

Good stuff-- on why the GOP continues to be in deep and deepening trouble-- excerpted by Chuck Muth in his daily "News & Views"...


"We Republicans and conservatives may very well get wiped out this November; it is certain we will lose more seats in the House and Senate than we lost in 2006. Some prognosticators see a loss of around 25 seats in the House and 6-8 in the U.S. Senate. The presidency? Well, we have already lost it. We lost it when G.W. Bush and the Bush family machine hijacked the GOP and made it a big government party - just like the Democrats. George W. Bush has destroyed the current Republican Party, and he has come close to killing the organized conservative movement as well."

- Columnist Jim LeBoutillier


Some might plausibly argue that the only true roll-back of government under Republicans following the takeover in '94 was doing away with the federally-mandated 55 mph national speed limit. Well, since they've screwed everything else up since then, why not wipe out this crowning achievement as well, right?

"Republican Senator John Warner of Virginia has asked Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman to calculate what speed would provide optimum gasoline efficiency under current technology," reported Fox News yesterday....


Mike Huckabee - a former GOP presidential candidate who almost single-handedly enabled John McCain to get the nomination earlier this year - recently had a conversation with John Brummett of the Arkansas News Bureau. They discussed the Club for Growth, a highly-respected fiscal conservative organization which very publicly criticized the Huckster's tax-and-spend record as governor of Arkansas. According to Brummett:

"He and I talked a little about that, too, long enough for Huckabee to say that outfits like the Club for Growth don't understand that you can't always cut taxes at the state level and meet basic needs. Such people would 'let an 8-year-old child choke to death on the steps of the Children's Hospital' for lack of Medicaid."

What a jerk. Suggesting that fiscal conservatives would let a child choke to death is the sort of crud you'd expect from the Left. This kind of rhetoric against fiscal conservatives is nothing short of giving aid-and-comfort to the opposition.

The acronym "RINO" stands for "Republican In Name Only." Many use the term to describe Republicans who simply don't measure up on certain issues. But just being wrong on taxes, or spending, or guns or abortion doesn't, in my book, make someone a RINO.

A RINO isn't just wrong on a number of issues, but someone who goes out of his way to do harm to fellow Republicans....I don't extend the RINO label often or easily....[But] Mike Huckabee is fast approaching RINO status.


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